Recap and practice of energy healing and healing with breath work, Acknowledging Saints & Mystics black history month #5/5

1:24 – 8:32 Healing Breath Meditation and the a Poem of Rumi “What was said to the rose.” translation of Coleman Barks. 
9:50 –  29:10 Acknowledging Saints & Mystics for black history month. San Martine De Porres, Swami Turya Sangeetananda aka Alice Coltrane, Bambi Baba and George Washington Carver. 
29:10 – 1:07:12 Leading the recap and Demonstration on me, Anthony Jerome, using the Energy Healing Technique then checking in with questions and experiences.
1:07:12 Live practice with partners
1:49:50 Other applications of energy healing, electromagnetic therapy and closing healing and chanting the Gayatri mantra.